I’m Pete Warnock and I have a gift for helping women experience themselves as the divine energy of creation. This is experienced throughout their body and their senses to directly know the deliciousness and innocence of their sensual, sexual and spiritual nature.
Do you long to be touched with complete reverence, devotion and love? To be fully met by a man who has no hidden agenda.
Do you find that often massage doesn’t quite hits the spot, you want to feel more connected, embodied and surrendered?
Although I have been a bodyworker since 1992, I am continually astounded by the awesome healing power of human touch, conscious awareness and presence. Time after time I have clients ask me to work on a more intimate level to connect the whole body, to include the sexual body, this is true holistic bodywork – integrating breath, body, mind, soul and sexuality and leaving nothing out. Massage of this kind is rare and provides a much deeper more wholesome experience leaving the recipient resting in the fully connected delicious humm of her sensuality.

Tantric Synergy Bodywork sessions
Do you long for deeper intimacy with yourself and others?
Do you want to deeply accept and love yourself?
Do you want to love being in your body?
Do you want to explore deeper levels of intimacy, sensuality and sexuality but are too shy, too scared or don’t know where to begin?
If the answer is yes to any of the above questions then I can help you.
On arrival desire is left at the door – I touch a woman with only my hands, my presence, my heart and my devotion. P.W.
My Tantric Synergy Bodywork sessions guide you into deeper conscious experience of the moment, throughout your body, throughout your senses. Sensation is actually life moving through your body and through your awareness and when you learn to allow it and welcome it – all of it – then you flow with life and this is ecstatic – this is Tantra – this is alive in you always.
Tantric Synergy Bodywork enables us to bring awareness, connection, energy, male/female polarity, acceptance, healing and love to the places that are taboo in other forms of massage. These intimate and sacred places hold an enormous amount of tension and emotion as well as vast oceans of pleasure. Within this work, unconscious feelings can be revealed, understood and released.
There are many forms and styles of Tantric bodywork – some are in essence Tantric and more are just using the label to offer sexual services – this is an exploration of what it is to be a human being on every level of experience.
Unfortunately in the west the word Tantra has been taken as an excuse to do nearly anything to involve sexual arousal – the word has literally been bastardized. However, in truth there is no goal in tantra – it is just an experiment – an effortless expansion and exploration of awareness into the ordinariness of this moment which, through focussed attention, can then be perceived as extra-ordinary.
When one becomes totally aware of this moment throughout the senses then one experiences themselves as the magic of life within and as the moment.

My Tantric Synergy Bodywork sessions guide you into deeper conscious experience of the moment, throughout your body, throughout your senses and combine Tantric Bodywork, Tantric Breath Work, Tantric Energy Work and Presence based self enquiry.
Sensation is actually life moving through the senses, perceived by your awareness and when you learn to allow it and welcome it – all of it – then you flow with life and this is ecstatic – this is Tantra – this is alive in you, as you, always.
Tantric Synergy Bodywork sessions last a minimum of 2 hours – initial and full sessions are 3 hours.
Sessions in Somerset cost £95 per hour
Home visits in Somerset are £105 per hour + mileage @ £1 per mile + hire of venue
London home visit sessions are £450 – or £850 for 2 in one day.
London sessions when I am already in London are £120 per hour + price of venue